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Formative module

  • ATISOL-TrainE Training in the electrical field for maintenance
  • ATISOL-TrainPr Training in the programming field for maintenance
  • ATISOL-TrainM Training in the mechanical field for maintenance
  • ATISOL-TrainH Training of operators in use of industrial safety
  • ATISOL-TrainS Training of operators in the use of industrial safety
  • ATISOL-TrainP Preventive and predictive maintenance training
  • ATISOL-Train5s Training in the “5’S” methodology in work place:
    Sort the necessary (Seiri)
    Set in order (Seiton)
    Shine (Seiso)
    Standardize (Seiketsu)
    Sustain (Shitsuke)
Training given by a technician with knowledge of the productive process of the company and the mechanisms and components that compose it.

Our proposal includes the necessary machine sessions along with hands-on exercises.